Tema do Programa de Doutoramento em História da Educação do Instituto de Educação, em Lisboa (Portugal). Abertas as inscrições até 19 de Junho (10 vagas).
Original, muito actual e sem dúvida pertinente. Animem-se, historiadores do futuro! Garantam-nos alimento ao conhecimento do País que fomos, somos e podemos vir a ser.
Reunir e poder voltar a ler materiais sobre ALFIN - Alfabetización Informacional, Literacia da Informação, Information Literacy. Desde 2008 To gather for later reading (again) materials on IL issues. Since 2008
sábado, 21 de maio de 2011
Municípios e Regiões no Desenvolvimento Histórico da Educação
sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011
Kandinsky na pré-escola
Aula Infantil, blog alimentado pela educadora de Aguadulce, Almeria (Espanha), explica neste post como foi trabalhar Kandinsky com os mais pequenos, depois de num mês anterior se terem debruçado sobre um quadro do pintor (Círculos concêntricos)
Selo Boa Pratica do mês de Maio no Blog Leer.es (Fundacion German Sanchez Ruipèrez
lerdo ler: Estar lá
Biblioteca combativa
Unas 40 personas han pasado la noche al raso como parte de la acampada protesta de la plaza de España de Palma, en la que esta mañana quedaban alrededor de veinte personas bien organizadas, con una mesa informativa, una biblioteca improvisada y un quiosco de prensa al alcance de los transeúntes.
EUA Bibliotecas escolares 2011
School Librarians Leaders in school, district
Overall, almost two-thirds of respondents (65 percent, chart 4-B) consider themselves tech leaders in their school or district. But there’s a generation gap. Only 57 percent of those over age 55 rate themselves as leaders, compared to 74 percent of those under 35.In addition to the 84 percent that provide some instruction to the faculty, 62 percent of school librarians are also involved in planning their school’s technology resources (chart 4-C), with librarians in rural districts more involved in district planning. On a hopeful note, nearly 90 percent of those surveyed (see chart 4-D) say they’re responsible for recommending or purchasing technology for their school or district.
quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011
Arquitectura e Bibliotecas
De depósitos de livros a espaços sociais: novas tendências da arquitectura de bibliotecas
Mesa-redonda no âmbito do 10° aniversário da Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett no Porto
20.05.2011, 18h00 – 20h00
5+1 grandes erros comuns em educação virtual
Acedida via grupo E-Learning Gurus - Portugal, pela mão de Neuza Pedro.
quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011
Relatório NMC Horizon K-12, ed. 2011
Financiado pela HP. Desenvolvido pelo Consortium New Media
"Sense-making and the ability to assess the credibility of information are paramount."
"Digital litreacy is less about tools and more about critical thinking."
Together For Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons
The Learning Commons must be fluid; it must grow and evolve with school needs, emerging technologies and global realities.
It requires leadership to succeed, and that leadership can only come through the willing co-operation and collaboration of everyone participating in the school learning process. At the school level, the principal is key in establishing and encouraging working partnerships among staff and students. The principal must provide the climate for cooperation, experimentation and growth.The Learning Commons has great potential, but only when everyone participates.
URL: http://www.accessola.com/osla/bins/content_page.asp?cid...
OSLA Document, 2011
Today’s schools are experiencing a great deal of change. Just as the rest of the world’s political, social, economic, and scientific realities have been shifted by swift advances in information and communication technology, so too has education. These forces are altering the way people work, play and learn. Schools are being challenged to harness the unfamiliar yet incredibly fascinating opportunities presented by this transformation… all while ensuring students emerge with the skills they need, not only to survive, but to thrive.
Development of a Learning Commons addresses this challenge.
Colaborar : inerente à educação de adultos
While national collaborations attract publicity, for most programs a local collaboration is both more realistic and more useful. Local organizations are more likely to care enough about your community to want to invest time, resources and money in your program. Be clear about what kind of collaboration you want to set up - is it a straight sponsorship deal, or do you want the library to become a full partner in your program? If you have nothing in mind when you start, you are likely to get it.People often talk as if collaboration is a new thing in adult literacy education, made necessary by shrinking resources. What I have suggested here is that collaboration is a long established principle of adult education, a central component of our vocation. Collaboration adds value to what we do in so many senses, and is not as hard as the word can make us think.
Contou-me da Biblioteca Leitura e Olhares (de um Agrupamento de Évora - descubram qual!) no Facebook, e eu conto:
Para os que não sabem, PIEF são turmas com programa organizado pelos Ministérios da Educação e do Trabalho e da Solidariedade como "medida de excepção que se apresenta como remediação quando tudo o mais falhou" (sic).Hoje, dia 17 de Maio (2011), a Hora do Conto foi feita por três fantásticos alunos da nossa turma PIEF e o público foi o 3ºano do Agrupamento. De manhã à tarde andámos numa roda viva, de escola em escola, a semear leituras. Houve também o PARE, ESCUTE E LEIA, reportado no album com o mesmo nome.No dia 16 de Maio, inauguração da Semana da Leitura, houve uma sessão sobre SeguraNet, encontro com Maria João Gomes Núncio, autora infantil de histórias da nossa História, feira do livro, animação no polivalente ao som de Beethoven, Ler Sons Ouvir Música na BE com os músicos José Luís Silva e André Penas, para as turmas do ensino articulado de música e a Hora do Conto com a professora Isabel Fernandes, a anterior coordenadora do nosso espaço de magia. Foi um dia cheio!
"Community is the new center"
Aprendemos também fora da Escola / Learning also outside schools
Museums, Libraries and 21st Century Skills
Como serão os futuros professores do futuro?
Female students may be a bit more pragmatic and reflexive than their male counterparts. (do resumo)
Voltar a estudar Humanidades articulando com o estudo da Ciência
Do we think that a nation of well-trained drones who make sure to be polite as they check us into hotels and on to airplanes is a functioning democracy? I don’t and you don’t. Stop the madness. Push back. More soon — I’m off to meet students (smart) and teachers (interested in learning) — before it is too late.
Frente de trabalho incessante: mostrar que somos úteis e necessários
"ll stakeholders recognize the profound ways in which school librarians can and do influence students to develop twenty-first-century learning skills and to embrace reading as a lifelong activity. This has not only been documented by the many statewide impact studies and but also by individual principals who recognize the relationship between increases in their students’ ELA test scores and the presence and use of their school library.
But this is not enough.
School librarians must accept the additional role of school-based researchers and evidence-based practitioners, collecting data from their constituents about their library programs and information services and documenting their effects." (das conclusões)
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011
Austrália Bibliotecas Escolares 2011
School libraries make a difference: "School libraries make a difference to staff professional learning. During the Inquiry examples of informal professional learning being delivered by the teacher librarian during a teaching session with the students and the teacher in the library were presented. Pre-service teacher training has not included courses related to information literacy or digital media literacy. "
School libraries make a difference to student enrolment: "To end on a wildcard, I would propose the statement that, under the BER, school libraries are education real estate. In the majority of cases I’m sure the parents are taken to the ‘new’ school library as part of the tour when considering a suitable school for their child."
Canadá Bibliotecas Escolares 2011
School libraries are a doorway for children and youth to learn about the world. By design, they are sites for students to explore and develop their own interests, and to foster a love of reading, along with their inquiry and research skills. And as the digital world puts more and more information at students’ finger tips, the library can open the door to learning beyond the walls of the school. [...]
RECOMMENDATIONSAll students and teachers should have the capacity to find, evaluate, organize and transform information in the digital universe.
People for Education recommends••• that the province support a leadership role for teacher-librarians, who can work with classroom teachers to develop feasible information literacy programs for all students and••• that the province ensure that all teachers receive appropriate information and technology education in faculties of education and through ongoing professional development.
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Digital curation
Digital curation involves maintaining, preserving and adding value to digital research data throughout its lifecycle.
3 ideias chave para uma escola que não mate a criatividade
1) Campbell's Law. If everyone knows what is being used to measure progress, expect corruption. Whatever is being used to make decisions about money, resources, teacher performance, and student performance is subject to distortion.
Agir contra a iliteracia Se a iliteracia é sobretudo um fenómeno pós-escolar, as dificuldades encontradas desde muito cedo pelo aluno podem ...
A must Have Classroom Poster about Facebook bullying ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning