domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017

Pelo Reforço das Artes no Ensino Superior - Literacias do séc. XXI

What, then, can be done, apart from efforts to expand general education requirements or make it more difficult for students to fulfill liberal arts requirements off-campus by requiring students to meet various “flags” (for example, by requiring a specified amount of reading and writing or a certain portion of course content devoted to diversity). 
Four strategies for saving the liberal arts stand out.
Strategy 1:  Reimagining the First Year Experience(...)~ 
Strategy 2:  Emphasizing Professional Identity Development(...) 
Exemplifying this new model are Stanford’s CS+ joint majors that integrate the humanities with Computer Science and require students to complete a capstone project that fuses technology and the humanities. These capstone projects range from digital editions of literary works and digital representations of historic sites or literary venues to natural language processing applied to literary analysis. 
Strategy 4:  Establishing a 21st Century Skills Ledger 
This pragmatic approach seeks to identify the skills essential for success in 21st century workplaces.  These are not simply vocational skills, but, rather such future skills as Cross-Cultural Competency, Social Intelligence, Novel, Adaptive and Design Thinking, Sense-Making, New Media Literacy, Transdisciplinarity, and Computational Thinking. 
Achievement of these 21st century literacies is recorded on a skills ledger or Comprehensive Student Record.  A skills ledger is a new currency of achievement and accomplishment that seeks to supplement (or replace) the credit hour.  Unlike the current emphasis on seat time, a skills ledger is a dynamic record of a person’s skills and competencies, which can be obtained from a variety of providers, academic and non-academic, acquired in classrooms or through other kinds of experiences.  A 21st century skills ledger seeks to ensure that students acquire critical “soft skills,” most of which are firmly grounded in the liberal arts. 
The obstacles to adopting and implementing any of these strategies are obvious.  These strategies require cross-departmental collaboration, cooperation, and consensus-building – virtues generally at odds with the academy’s emphasis on faculty and departmental autonomy.  Yet if we are to reinvigorate the humanistic ideal of colleges and universities educating the whole person, we must be willing to think outside our disciplinary boxes and imagine ways to explicitly link liberal arts content to broader conversations and to more explicitly focus on the kinds of skills –21st century or otherwise -- that the liberal arts can instill. 
Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System's Institute for Transformational Learning and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin.
Ler mais aqui:

Strategies for Saving the Liberal Arts | Higher Ed Gamma (2017)


Saving the Liberal Arts (2016):

“We should not measure the impact of the humanities simply by counting numbers of majors,” she said. “The whole design of the liberal arts system is that courses in the humanities are required of all students, no matter what their major. … Students can major in computer science or engineering, but in such a system they are also required to take general liberal arts courses in history, philosophy and literature. This system has striking advantages, preparing students for their multiple future roles in much more adequate way than a narrow single-subject system.

Pelo Reforço das Artes no Ensino Superior - Literacias do séc. XXI

What, then, can be done, apart from efforts to expand general education requirements or make it more difficult for students to fulfill liberal arts requirements off-campus by requiring students to meet various “flags” (for example, by requiring a specified amount of reading and writing or a certain portion of course content devoted to diversity). 
Four strategies for saving the liberal arts stand out.
Strategy 1:  Reimagining the First Year Experience(...)~ 
Strategy 2:  Emphasizing Professional Identity Development(...) 
Exemplifying this new model are Stanford’s CS+ joint majors that integrate the humanities with Computer Science and require students to complete a capstone project that fuses technology and the humanities. These capstone projects range from digital editions of literary works and digital representations of historic sites or literary venues to natural language processing applied to literary analysis. 
Strategy 4:  Establishing a 21st Century Skills Ledger 
This pragmatic approach seeks to identify the skills essential for success in 21st century workplaces.  These are not simply vocational skills, but, rather such future skills as Cross-Cultural Competency, Social Intelligence, Novel, Adaptive and Design Thinking, Sense-Making, New Media Literacy, Transdisciplinarity, and Computational Thinking. 
Achievement of these 21st century literacies is recorded on a skills ledger or Comprehensive Student Record.  A skills ledger is a new currency of achievement and accomplishment that seeks to supplement (or replace) the credit hour.  Unlike the current emphasis on seat time, a skills ledger is a dynamic record of a person’s skills and competencies, which can be obtained from a variety of providers, academic and non-academic, acquired in classrooms or through other kinds of experiences.  A 21st century skills ledger seeks to ensure that students acquire critical “soft skills,” most of which are firmly grounded in the liberal arts. 
The obstacles to adopting and implementing any of these strategies are obvious.  These strategies require cross-departmental collaboration, cooperation, and consensus-building – virtues generally at odds with the academy’s emphasis on faculty and departmental autonomy.  Yet if we are to reinvigorate the humanistic ideal of colleges and universities educating the whole person, we must be willing to think outside our disciplinary boxes and imagine ways to explicitly link liberal arts content to broader conversations and to more explicitly focus on the kinds of skills –21st century or otherwise -- that the liberal arts can instill. 
Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System's Institute for Transformational Learning and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin.
Ler mais aqui:

Strategies for Saving the Liberal Arts | Higher Ed Gamma (2017)


Saving the Liberal Arts (2016):

“We should not measure the impact of the humanities simply by counting numbers of majors,” she said. “The whole design of the liberal arts system is that courses in the humanities are required of all students, no matter what their major. … Students can major in computer science or engineering, but in such a system they are also required to take general liberal arts courses in history, philosophy and literature. This system has striking advantages, preparing students for their multiple future roles in much more adequate way than a narrow single-subject system.

Pelo Reforço das Artes no Ensino Superior - Literacias do séc. XXI

What, then, can be done, apart from efforts to expand general education requirements or make it more difficult for students to fulfill liberal arts requirements off-campus by requiring students to meet various “flags” (for example, by requiring a specified amount of reading and writing or a certain portion of course content devoted to diversity). 
Four strategies for saving the liberal arts stand out.
Strategy 1:  Reimagining the First Year Experience(...)~ 
Strategy 2:  Emphasizing Professional Identity Development(...) 
Exemplifying this new model are Stanford’s CS+ joint majors that integrate the humanities with Computer Science and require students to complete a capstone project that fuses technology and the humanities. These capstone projects range from digital editions of literary works and digital representations of historic sites or literary venues to natural language processing applied to literary analysis. 
Strategy 4:  Establishing a 21st Century Skills Ledger 
This pragmatic approach seeks to identify the skills essential for success in 21st century workplaces.  These are not simply vocational skills, but, rather such future skills as Cross-Cultural Competency, Social Intelligence, Novel, Adaptive and Design Thinking, Sense-Making, New Media Literacy, Transdisciplinarity, and Computational Thinking. 
Achievement of these 21st century literacies is recorded on a skills ledger or Comprehensive Student Record.  A skills ledger is a new currency of achievement and accomplishment that seeks to supplement (or replace) the credit hour.  Unlike the current emphasis on seat time, a skills ledger is a dynamic record of a person’s skills and competencies, which can be obtained from a variety of providers, academic and non-academic, acquired in classrooms or through other kinds of experiences.  A 21st century skills ledger seeks to ensure that students acquire critical “soft skills,” most of which are firmly grounded in the liberal arts. 
The obstacles to adopting and implementing any of these strategies are obvious.  These strategies require cross-departmental collaboration, cooperation, and consensus-building – virtues generally at odds with the academy’s emphasis on faculty and departmental autonomy.  Yet if we are to reinvigorate the humanistic ideal of colleges and universities educating the whole person, we must be willing to think outside our disciplinary boxes and imagine ways to explicitly link liberal arts content to broader conversations and to more explicitly focus on the kinds of skills –21st century or otherwise -- that the liberal arts can instill. 
Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System's Institute for Transformational Learning and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin.
Ler mais aqui:

Strategies for Saving the Liberal Arts | Higher Ed Gamma (2017)


Saving the Liberal Arts (2016):

“We should not measure the impact of the humanities simply by counting numbers of majors,” she said. “The whole design of the liberal arts system is that courses in the humanities are required of all students, no matter what their major. … Students can major in computer science or engineering, but in such a system they are also required to take general liberal arts courses in history, philosophy and literature. This system has striking advantages, preparing students for their multiple future roles in much more adequate way than a narrow single-subject system.


A Mente É Maravilhosa (Blog)

O que formos em 2030 também depende das bibliotecas

O acesso a informação é um direito humano básico que pode acabar com o ciclo da pobreza e apoiar o desenvolvimento sustentável. A biblioteca é o único local, em muitas comunidades, em que as pessoas podem aceder a informação que os ajude a melhorar a sua formação, a desenvolver novas capacidades, a encontrar trabalho, a iniciar empresas, a tomar decisões informadas em matéria de agricultura e de saúde, ou a entender o que se está a passar com questões do meio ambiente. (...) 
As bibliotecas são para toda a gente 
Há bibliotecas em toda a parte, no campo e na cidade, na universidade e no local de trabalho. As bibliotecas atendem toda a gente, independentemente da sua raça, origem social ou étnica, género ou tendência sexual, idade, incapacidade, religião, situação económica ou crenças políticas. As bibliotecas apoiam as populações vulneráveis e marginalizadas e contribuem para garantir que não se neguem a ninguém as oportunidades básicas e os direitos humanos
IFLA, 2013 (trad. Laredo AC, a partir do original em inglês)

A FEBAB Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecários, Cientistas da Informação e Instituições traduziu dois documentos essenciais da IFLA, pensados para o nosso futuro comum no planeta até 2030, no seguimento da Declaração da IFLA sobre Bibliotecas em 2013, da Declaração de Lyon em 2014  e de decisões das Nações Unidas em 2015.

Recomenda-se a sua leitura e difusão em bibliotecas de todo o tipo e tamanho. A informação, o acesso democrático aos recursos do conhecimento e a competências em literacia são determinantes no desenvolvimento da população em todos os cantos da Terra.

Publicações em língua portuguesa disponíveis aqui:
E ainda...

Resultado de imagem para as bibliotecas sao para toda a gente

(via Mithós a Ler)