No número de Setembro de 2020 da Synergy, publicação regular da SLAV, Associação de profissionais de bibliotecas escolares de Victoria, Austrália, cuja leitura se recomenda, destaco um artigo
Susan La Marca, no Remote learning and school libraries: SLAV survey results, conclui pelo papel determinante das coleções (diversificadas, abundantes, acessíveis presencialmente e a distância), e da existência, qualificação e preparação dos profissionais das bibliotecas escolares no sucesso de ensino remoto.
Num momento em que em Portugal nos deparamos com exemplos muito desiguais de resposta das bibliotecas escolares e das decisões de gestão das escolas que as envolvem - e que vão da ampliação e inovação em serviços presenciais e à distância, ao puro e simples encerramento, afectando recursos humanos das bibliotecas escolares a outros serviços das escolas, em alguns casos durante dois anos já, sem que a Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, aparentemente, consiga interferir nestas decisões... - estes alertas são muito úteis, reforçando os argumentos de quem não desiste de investir neste recurso transversal a todas as aprendizagens curriculares, com ou sem pandemias.
Um tempo árduo, mas também de grandes oportunidades de afirmação das Bibliotecas Escolares - esperemos que não sejam oportunidades perdidas!
La Marca, S. (2020) Remote learning and school libraries: SLAV survey results
The results of this survey clearly indicate the vital role of school libraries in our school communities. There are many examples here of trained library professionals displaying creativity and flexibility in responding to the learning and teaching needs of remote learning. Results clearly demonstrate how a well-staffed and well-resourced school library supports and enriches a school community. This is vital for learning and teaching, but also in support of the general well-being of staff and students and the common pursuit of developing resilient, life-long learners.
The results also indicate how those school libraries that were under- resourced, or poorly staffed were, to some extent, unable to respond effectively to the needs and demands of remote learning. The results highlight the importance of quality professional networks that can be trusted. These, and other dependable institutions, become crucial in times of crisis. Knowledge about quality resources, how to find them, organise them, and facilitate access to them for all, is a key ingredient of the school library. Remote learning demands highlighted this, particularly where we see teacher librarians who, with a knowledge of curriculum, the learning needs of students, literacy development, and the research process, were able to support and enhance teaching and learning in a range of subject areas.Results clearly demonstrate how a well-staffed and well-resourced school library supports and enriches a school community.The responses emphasised the continued relevance of authentic, curriculum-based, quality resources. This clearly highlighted the need for collections of all kinds, print and digital, to be organised, accessible and managed by trained professionals who are able to teach others how to use them well, and also to put in place systems to facilitate equitable access.
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