terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2019

Mês Internacional das Bibliotecas Escolares 2019

O logo está disponível aqui, para fins não comerciais. A IASL é a Associação Internacional de Biblioteconomia Escolar


Fazem a diferença, e que diferença, para toda gente na escola.
Onde há sucesso educativo, há bibliotecas escolares de qualidade, com profissionais qualificados e reconhecidos, que trabalham com todos so alunos e todos os professores e profissionais não docentes das escolas, Melhor ainda quando valorizados nas opções de gestão das escolas e dos seus projetos educativos. Ultrapassando estereótipos, usando a imaginação.

Artigo de 2018, que abrange ainda as bibliotecas universitárias enquanto bibliotecas escolares. Agradecendo a partilha à Lucília Santos, sempre atenta.

Librarians are in an advantageous position to coach faculty, and research shows that administrators want their librarians to provide professional development to teachers. Teachers feel less threatened and are willing to take risks when a peer, as opposed to an evaluator, helps them implement new instructional strategies and embed new resources in instruction. Unfortunately, school leaders seldom recognize librarians as essential technology leaders, and often they perpetuate stereotypical views of the librarian as the “keeper of books” (Johnston, 2015; Lewis, 2016). However, librarians today are often on the cutting edge of education technology. And because librarians work directly with all teachers and all students, they have a big picture view that can make them major assets on building and district leadership committees that assess curriculum, technology, and other programs that affect the entire school community

Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost.
By Keith Curry Lance and Debra E. Kachel
 Artigo aqui

IASL - Página do Mêz Internacionbal das Biblioecas Escolares https://iasl-online.org/advocacy/islm/index.html

 RBE - Propostas de atividades aqui 

MIBE 2019

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