terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Blogar em colaboração, aprender na escola. Uma utilização de cartoons e banda desenhada

"The Evolution of Intellectual Freedom", de Jorge Cham, 20 Julho2011

On Collaborative Blogging as Open Access Scholarly Activity. The Case of The Comics Grid. - Open Access Week
So I knew that the obstacles were multiple: if non-funded, open online research faces plenty of resistance (accused of complacency and lack of academic rigour, persistence, "impact", authenticity and authority), comics scholarship faced similar deeply-rooted prejudices, based on unfounded notions of what is worthy of academic study and what is not. In brief, the obstacles seemed insurmountable, but this was what, precisely, made them irresistible to challenge consistently and systematically. In order to do it, the only logical option was to do it as a coordinated front. 

A Semana do Acesso Aberto em 2011 decorre entre 24 e 30 de Outubro.

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