O Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) substitui a versão No Child Left Behind do Elementary and Secondary Education Act com uma linguagem que inclui "programas efetivos de bibliotecas escolares".
A AASL, American Association of School Librarians (AASL), enquanto organização nacional para a profissão das bibliotecas escolares, está a analisar a ESSA, discriminando os recursos previstos para as bibliotecas escolares nos termos da legislação, e comunicando de que forma elas terão impacto na comunidade da biblioteca escolar.
A AASL vai continuar a trabalhar com os serviços de Washington da ALA, o ALA Office of Library Advocacy, e com outras organizações educativas para revelar oportunidades no âmbito da linguagem da ESSA para bibliotecários escolares e bibliotecas escolares para ser aplicada em planos lcoais e estaduais.
"The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) supports the position that every student in every
school, including independent schools and public charter schools, should have access to an updated school
library with a certified school librarian. The success of a school library program, no matter how well designed,
ultimately depends on the quality and number of personnel responsible for managing the instructional program
and the library’s physical and virtual resources. A certified school librarian, supported by technical and clerical
staff, is crucial to an effective school library program. Every student, teacher, and administrator in every
school building at every grade level should have access to a fully staffed library throughout the school day."
AASL_Position Statement_Appropriate Staffing_2016-06-25.pdf
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